Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bed Wetting

Parenting is a great responsibility and it involves handling numerous problems. One common problems faced by parents is bed-wetting by the kids. Also known as sleep-wetting, this refers to involuntarily bed-wetting by the kid while he is sleeping. Normally, a number of kids are not able to control the flow of urine or lose control over bladder in sleeping condition. It has been found to be a common problem in the children till the age of five or six. According to one study, among all the bed-wetter kids, 60 percent ate male. A high percentage of 90 percent children in this ratio wet the bed almost every night.

Children who bed wetting are normally psychologically affected. The prime reason is shame factor attached with it. Parents need to be sensitive to such plight of the kids. Some of the parents also punish their kids for wetting their bed. That’s definitely not a very ideal thing to do. Some other children face peer pressure and some other face the risk of being ridiculed by their brothers and sisters. A child having such problems runs the risk of losing his self-worth in case he is not getting sufficient help from his parents.

There are certain things parents can do to solve this problem. The first they need to do is to cut down their child's consumption of water or any other form of liquid. Child should also be habituated to go to the loo to pee before he goes to sleep. Parents can also think of waking up the kid at least once during nighttime so that he can go to washroom and empty his bladder. Finally, tackle this problem with love and patience.