Monday, February 2, 2009

Importance of Family

Parenting involves a family. A complete family with father, mother and children. We all make new resolutions but most likely as individuals. The normal resolutions include things like, getting more focused, more organized, losing weight, achieving goals, improving relationships, behaving good, quitting smoking etc. But how often you have heard of family resolutions? Not many people have been found to prepare resolutions for family. If not then lets think of this fact for a while.

Major parts of our life spend with our family. We are so comfortable with are our family that we start taking it for granted. Our family provides us security. We take our meals with the family, with spouse, with kids. Infact, the comfort level is so extreme that we hardly ever think of them despite the fact that they are our lifelines. Let’s make a beginning. Lets make few resolutions and implement them and the result, well you will be surprised to see the difference in everyone around. The best result will be the sense of satisfaction you will have.

But before that try counting the number of days you have spent with your family. Also think of when was the last time you took your kids to playground. Not to forget when the last time was you spend some quality time with your spouse with nobody around. Does that strikes you? Hard to remember? Difficult to count such days? That’s what I meant by making resolutions for the family. Our future posts will focus upon several such resolutions implementing which will bring nothing but fulfilling experience in your life.

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